

Mr. Suresh Shadadpuri

Chief Technology Officer

Mr. Suresh Shadadpuri

35+ years of experience in providing Technological Solutions across power, utilities, and IT sectors


Mr. Jagadeesh Velaga

Chief Operations Officer

Mr. Jagadeesh Velaga

Tech Enthusiast. Sports Freak. Nature Lover

5+ years of experience in IT Solutions, Operations Product Development & Marketing

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Mr. Hanuma Raviteja

Director - Sales

Mr. Hanuma Raviteja

Music Lover. Ardent Cricket Follower and Player

5+ years of experience in managing Agriculture based Businesses and handling public sector projects

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Mr. Sai Charan B

Director - IT & Marketing

Mr. Sai Charan B

Coder. Growth Marketer. Badminton Player

5+ years of experience in Web Applications and Software Development Digital Marketing Expert